
Wrap Up


Over three days in October, 185 delegates from 30 different countries converged in Amman, Jordan to explore the country’s rich tapestry, build connections, and exchange ideas. AdventureELEVATE Near East 2023 allowed delegates to explore the adventure tourism potential of the region but also to connect with its people, its history and living culture, and its natural wonders. The event's itinerary included a wide range of adventure activities throughout iconic sites and off-the-beaten paths, including Wadi Hora, Petra, and Dana Biosphere.

In a world often preoccupied with quantity and volume, AdventureELEVATE Near East 2023 reinforced the importance of quality and value. Through sessions focusing on climate action and responsible travel, attendees were encouraged to reflect and consider how a focus on quality can enhance the traveler's experience and willingness to invest in a sustainable adventure tourism industry.

The event's theme "Sharing fierce wisdom" focused on the great diversity of cultures, traditions, and strength across this region of the world and the powerful energy that drives the people of Near Eastern nations to fiercely protect what they love and invite others to do so as well.

For tourism professionals, the joy of the unexpected is a welcome reset and reminder of the power that adventure travel holds. As one delegate noted, Jordan proved to be “truly an adventure paradise.”