Media applications for AdventureNEXT Near East are now closed.
Are you a travel journalist or blogger that specializes in editorial work around adventure and sustainable travel? Consider becoming an ATTA Adventure Media Member! Benefits include:
If you’re not quite ready for membership, but want to keep in touch, please click HERE to tell us about yourself and your work.
Thank you for your interest in applying to attend AdventureNEXT Near East 2018 as an official media delegate.
There are a limited amount of media spaces at this event. Applications will be considered and reviewed with the destination partner, with the goal to host media that contribute to outlets with a substantial and relevant audience, and from a mix of specific geographic regions including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Europe (specifically Germany, France, the Netherlands) with some consideration for other countries if space allows. MENA regional travel trade media are also encouraged to apply. Applicants that have not previously participated in AdventureNEXT Near East will receive priority consideration.
SCHEDULE: If accepted, the entire trip length will vary up to 9 days prior to the event depending on final selection of pre-adventure tour options and travel time from origin city. Tour options will be made available after applications are accepted. The event itself is May 7-9, with return departures on May 10.
Applications will be reviewed in December 2017 with final approvals completed by the end of January.
Who should apply:
The ATTA is interested in a variety of media who specialize in adventure and sustainable travel stories, including:
Who is not eligible for a media badge:
Local media
Half-day passes will be available for local television, radio or newspaper representatives to access designated sessions during the event. Contact [email protected].
Media Delegates
ATTA, together with the destination host, will host a limited number of media delegates. The select hosted delegates will receive complimentary registration, lodging, a pre-adventure, meals, and economy round-trip air. Hosted delegates may be required to purchase a portion of their airfare based on the proximity to the nearest partner hub city.
Media delegates are expected to be “working media,” meaning whether you are freelance journalist, magazine editor, broadcaster, photojournalist, or professional blogger, you should be actively looking for ways to cover the the destination where the event takes place, the adventure travel industry and ATTA members’ destinations and products. We do not always require commission or assignments in order for your application to be accepted, but if you have an assignment, it’s worth mentioning in your application (this requirement can vary from event to event). We will expect resulting publications if you attend, and we track all media results from our events.
Questions? See our Official Media at ATTA Events FAQs.